Workmanship of their hands

En el pulpito

Welcome to all my beloved brothers and sisters.

"Workmanship of their hands"

Workmanship of their hands

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”. Ephesians 2, 10.

In this passage from the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians, it shows us that God has done something new in us, Paul says: “For we are His workmanship”, this clearly shows us that we have been begotten by God, that we are the work of his hands in tremendous contrast to those who say we are sinners.

Today there is ignorance about the value of what we have received in Christ Jesus.

Most of those who have believed are content to know that they are saved, but God has not only saved us, but has also exalted us with Christ Jesus, to the point that we are sitting in heavenly places with Him. It is written in Ephesians 2, 6.

Paul says: His workmanship, this word has a double meaning. The work of a craftsman. When we stop to think about this, we can marvel that God created and formed us, as He planned it. An artisan creates his work in his thoughts and then gives it the form; so also, God has created us and with his hands he has shaped us. But we said that ” workmanship ” has a double meaning, which is that of a craftsman and also that of a poem.

God created us, formed us with his hands and for him we are a poem. When we think about these things and look at what we were and see what God has done with us, we have nothing left but to worship him. That is why in these times there is no true worship of God, because the value of this is not understood, and it looks like God deprives us of so many things that the flesh likes. But when we understand that God has exalted us to the fullest with Christ Jesus, that we were created to the delight of his soul, we wonder. How can we disobey the one who has done something so tremendous with us? Then, from the depths of our being, words of praise and gratitude must come to whoever deigned to look at us when we were dead in our crimes and sins. But Paul says that we have been created in Christ Jesus; We can see that God has not created us to do as we see fit, which would lead us to failure.

God has not left us like Adam in the garden of Eden to be tested. He has created us in Christ, has given us a position in the body of His Son to fulfill a specific function and this is tremendous, because being in Christ we can never fail, because the mind of Christ is ours. What we have to discover, is what is the function that we must fulfill and we say that this is tremendous; because God has created us in Christ, who is holy, just, perfect and eternal. We must ask God to enlighten us in such a way, so that we can understand the incalculable value of the riches in glory that we have received in Christ Jesus.

“Workmanship created in Christ” and he says, that we may walk in good works which he has already prepared for us. Not only do we believe and form ourselves, but I also prepare all the good things that He wants us to do, and seeing us walk in them and fulfill them, delight in the work of his hands. That is why beloved brothers, must in the spirit, beg God to open our spiritual eyes to reach the riches of full understanding and thus be able to love him, serve him and thus discover in us, the delight that produces obedience to those who loved us in such a way that I surrender the life of His Son, so that we, having been Spiritually ruined, could receive through his Holy Spirit the eternal life that is the life of God with all his virtues, including his pure, blessed and holy love and May it be manifested in the eyes of those who previously saw us sinners. This is something that the church of God cannot understand, that God has given us by faith to be born again and the privilege of being conformed to the image of his Son Jesus Christ. When God formed man in the Garden of Eden, he did it with his hands in his image and likeness, that is to say that the moral beauty of God was in the first man, but when Adam sinned, he lost the image of God.

Now Paul says of us that we are his workmanship and created in Christ Jesus. God could not have made a sinful man; How do some say we are sinners?

Dear brothers, we cannot leave God alone until this glorious truth is fulfilled in us. I pray to God with all the forces of my soul and my heart that all this He makes it happen in all those who hear or read and believe, so that the character of Christ will be shown through the Church in the eyes of the world. Amen.

I embrace you in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor: Juan Avellaneda