The rest of the people of God

En el pulpito

Welcome to all my beloved brothers and sisters.

"The rest of the people of God"

The rest of the people of God

“For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from his” Hebrews 4:10

This is a very difficult time for the church of God, as the evil of this world is catching up fast, temptations are becoming stronger and the devil has intensified its attack on this poor humanity and against the church. Therefore, we say that is a dangerous time, despite the freedom we have to preach the gospel.

The devil tries every means to draw the attention of the church to its frontal attacks against it, and thus do not realize is making as vital and fundamental doctrines of the Word of God be left out and the introduction of schemes and carnal thoughts that take believers away from God’s heart.

The rest of the people of God is a doctrine that as we see is in the word of God and that is now forgotten, to the point that thousands have departed this earth, like so many other that live and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, do not know that there is a rest for the people of God, in which we should enter.

When the writer to the Hebrews, begins this letter in charter 4, verse 1 onwards says: “Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it” Hebrews 4:1- 2

We see here, as the writer tells us to fear, because having a place to enter the rest seem that we have not reached, because we were also preaching the good news as they did.

When it says “them” refers to the people of God of the Old Testament, who was at the door to go in to possess the land God gave him, did not enter because they did not believe, this is said in chapter 3 of this letter. The people of Israel were released from slavery in Egypt, as we drew from the slavery of the world and sin.

When he reached Kadesh-Barnea to go in to possess the land God had promised Abraham his servant, they did not believe they sent spies to spy out the land. There they saw the giants, Amalek, the Jebaseo and more. Then they measured the forces of the nations that lived in those lands with theirs, and feared and would not enter. They said that if they went was to kill their wives and children and made faint the heart of all the people and discredited the land God gave them. Then God was angry with them and send them back to the desert and keep them there until they died all those who had left Egypt. This is recorded in chapters 13 and 14 of the books of Numbers.

What had happened? They did not believe God gave them that land, because if they believed they would have measured the forces of the enemy with the forces of God and not theirs, as it is written, God swear in his wrath ye shall not enter into my rest.

Now the writer of Hebrews tells us: To fear! Let it not be that for unbelief the same thing happens to us. Because it says that in a certain place it is written that God rested from his works on the seventh day (Hebrews 4:4).

When God created the first day said: “… And there was evening and the morning of the first”; and so, we got to the sixth day and says: “… And there was evening and the morning of the sixth” giving God the beginning and end of each day. But on the seventh day God rested from his works and did not close it. This means that the rest of God is open until today, as it says Hebrews 4:9.

Then he says: “If you heard today His voice Harden not your hearts” What does it mean for us to enter God’s rest? In verse 10 of this chapter says, “that anyone who enters God’s rest has ceased from his works as God did from His.”

This is something that the church does not understand today and the devil is happy, because this way deceives believers into thinking they did not reach holiness required by God.

Enter God’s rest is to understand that as men have stopped our works; and now it is God who begins his work in us. Because we have died to all that we were and God has imputed through his Holy Spirit, the life of his Son Jesus Christ and wants to develop it. When we understand this truth, “we give ourselves to Him so that He who began a good work, perfect for the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).

Therefore, the writer calls it “rest” because who trusts in God rest, knowing that God will not fail. That is why the apostle Paul in Romans chapter 12 and verse 1 and on, says: I beseech you brothers. Why does he say I beseech you brother? Because if you do not want, do not, but he says: “I beseech you, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice to the God of heaven, which is your spiritual worship” Why would Paul say this? Because if we have died to what we were, we are no longer belong to ourselves anymore and we should give ourselves to God for Him to finish His work with us.

If someone wants to be a car mechanic, he should go to a mechanic to be tough, if you want to be a mason, you have to go to an officer of the same craft to teach you, but if you want to be like Christ you must go to God, He is the only one who by his Holy spirit, can develop the life of His Son in those that believed.

Many that do not understand this still live the old life, full of pride, pettiness, stories, looking at the faults of others and more things, trying on their own and their efforts to beat the system of this world the devil and the flesh and cannot do it.

They do not have believed that a new life, where man who believed in Christ, you can rule the perfect direction of the Holy Spirit of God. God was angry with the people of Israel and had then wandering for forty years. Do you know how many there are today having believed in Christ, are going around in the wilderness of this world?

Cranky, complaining, whining and even some no longer believe they can stop sinning. However, the Bible teaches us that having been justified; we can achieve sanctification and stop sinning.

To enter God’s rest, was given to us a death and a new birth, through faith. This brings rest, security, joy and peace. So, beloved, we fear it. Believe what God says about us, that there is a rest, we are saints, and His work (if we want and let Him), will be perfected. Because regeneration has not been entrusted to man, is the work of God through the Holy Spirit performed on all those who believe.

My prayer is the Lord that the Holy Spirit enlightens you so that you can understand this glorious truth, that you seize this great blessing and enter His rest. Amen


Pastor: Juan A. Avellaneda