The mystery of the woman

En el pulpito

Welcome to all my beloved brothers and sisters.

"The mystery of the woman"

A few words for meditation… ‘The mystery of the woman’

Pastor Pablo Florian

God is the architect and builder of life, therefore, to live life, you first have to understand it and to understand it you have to go to its designer, God. He created life, instituted the family and from there society; and all with a mission on earth. That mission would be carried out by men taking care of each other, helping and loving each other in communion and harmony with the Creator.

Science evolved a lot, but it, with all its wisdom, could not and will not be able to do something for man who continues to involute, because his behavior is getting worse and worse. The great unsolved world problem is “marriage”. The place where the maximum of happiness would be reached, is the place that suffers the most.

The condition of the home is then reflected in society by the terrible “relationship” those human beings have among themselves and the null relationship with God. Marriage is not a piece of paper, on the contrary, it is a great mystery. God created man and made him in his image and called their name Adam (Genesis 5). Male and female, He create them in one “ADAM” and so Adam began on earth to fulfill the mission that God entrusted to him, and that is where God says, they are a “suitable helper” for him.

We already know the story that Adam went into a deep sleep so that God would form Eve, who was already created and made in Adam. He took her from Adam and as a help meet, brought her to Adam. Help meet is: ‘Face-to-face help. That is, looking into each other’s eyes in truth, without lies or deceit, united in the same mission in harmony with God; but when deception and lies appeared in them because of sin; Over there! They came face to face with deceit and lies, confronted and separated from God in the same mission.

Now do you understand why marriage became what you see? Now do you understand why society was transformed into what you see? Jesus said, “I am the life.” He is Love, that is, to live life is the verb; Love and manifest that love in actions as He did!

What do men think of what life is? Drugs, sex and rock and roll? Health money and love? How deluded they are! How will they live life if they don’t know it? Turn to God, and God will turn to you. What is the way? The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is that road and the “Door”. There the key to solving the great world conflict, the home.

It is to meditate my loved ones.

I embrace you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor Pablo Florian