The more excellent way is the love

En el pulpito

Welcome to all my beloved brothers and sisters.

"The more excellent way is the love"

“…remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God” 1 Thessalonians 1:3 & 4

“For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother” Philemon 1:7

The more excellent way is the love

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing” 1 Corinthians 13:1 to 3

In this passage the Apostle Paul spoke these words after that chapter 12 comes speaking of spiritual gifts, and also shows us the members of the body of Christ, and their various functions. Coming to the end of the discourse of this chapter 12 the Apostle Paul says that God placed in the church, coming to the end of the discourse of this chapter 12 the Apostle Paul says that God placed in the church, and talk about what constitute them apostles, teachers, prophets, etc. Then we are told that we must seek the greater gifts, since all these spiritual gifts were given for the body of Christ, which is the church, works perfectly.
He continues: “But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way” 1 Corinthians 12:31

And starts speaking, as we read in verses 1 and 2, that if we spoke tongues of men and angelic and have not love, we are nothing. And speaks that if we have faith, and if we had prophecy, if we understood all mysteries (which are achieved as a result of spiritual gifts), and have not love, we are nothing.

Talk about having prophecy of faith, a faith that can move mountains; speaks of an understanding capable of knowing all mysteries, says that if she gave all his goods to feed the poor, and even give your body to be burned, and have not love, is of no use.

We can see that anyone with spiritual gifts and be able to speak in human’s tongues and angelic; and have faith to remove mountains, and science that understand all mysteries, might feel well satisfied and perhaps even proud of what you have. However, the apostle says that if does not have love, of no use. And this is because of all that God has created for man and above all, for what we have believed in Christ and formed the church here on earth, has love for base.

Paul gives love as the most excellent way.

This word “excellent” in the New Testament means: always throw beyond. That is, when it seems that we have achieved something and is perfect, in the manifestation of God’s love can always do better and achieve greater satisfaction. You know how many believers ignore this glorious and wonderful truth of the word of God? You know how many believers work for God, preach and do so much in service to the church and never learned to love?

Paul says in Ephesians 3:19, “the love of Christ“, we can get to know, “passed knowledge.”

That is, that the more we know the more we have to find out about him.

What a tremendous when we read!

If I have not love, I gain nothing

If God and Christ made ​​all things out of love and we are members of his body, how can we forget about something as important and valuable, which is based and essence all of God’s creation? This is not to read it and pass it long, is written so that informed us, and so our service to God will never be in vain, since if we do not do it on the basis of God’s love, nothing will serve. In thinking about this we should be happy and rejoice before him, for as we read:

If I have not love, I gain nothing

We can also read in Romans 5:5

the love of God was shed abroad in your hearts

We cannot say we have not love, but it can happen that our service to God is not for love. So, as you read these words of the Apostle Paul, so as you read these words of the Apostle Paul, we would have to take to reflect on it, so as you read these words of the Apostle Paul, we would have to take to reflect on it, and to have strict surveillance to ourselves, making sure that everything we do, we do for the love of him who loved us first. We write this literature with the aim of reaching healthy awaken many who sleep, and do not understand that the service loveless never reaches the end. We can see in reality few believers daily leave their jobs in the Lord’s work, often over little things, but as the service is not for love of God and the very elect, they leave regardless of the consequences that may bring rigged to what they were getting, because of their pain, blessings for your lives. But, glory to God! if we reflect on this and we meditate on them things, but here we have not had this into account as valuable and as important as far as service to God, knowing that your love is poured into our hearts, we have to lead to a change in attitude as far as service that we can offer as members of the body of Christ for the benefit of others. The lack of love in the service leads many believers to become proud, because spiritual privileges even produce to those who have not developed the love of God in their lives, to feel superior to others. That is why the apostle Paul tells us that if we do not love, nothing that we do is going to bring a profit.

So, dear brethren, we must be vigilant, growing in the knowledge of the Lord, which is looking for the true purpose of God for our lives, and always in prayer asking the Lord to guide us in all His plan which from before the foundation of the world prepared for us to do in Him.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” Ephesians 2:10

Paul called good works: Therefore, we must seek diligently that our service to God be led by the Holy Spirit, and learn that the Lord’s guidance for service often lead us to do things for the benefit of others, therefore we must seek diligently that our service to God be led by the Holy Spirit, and learn that the Lord’s guidance for service often lead us to do things for the benefit of others, perhaps to us by our means, we never would have thought of doing.

But as we are living the final days and still growing evil in this world, that he led us not become weary in doing good, although it received evils. We always think of our service to God, that everything we do is always to the benefit of another, and come to understand the sacrifice of Christ which took place on the cross for all of us. His suffering brought as not only salvation, but exaltation to which God in Christ has led us, As giving us his life with all his virtues and his abundant grace enables us to live it, know it and teach others also. We cannot say we do not have love, if we are attentive, we will never say anything that our service of work as nothing.

We’ve been talking a lot about love, trying to make everyone who reads this literature, meditate on it for his work in the church has its reward in Christ tribunal.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad” 2 Corinthians 5:10

Now, all these things we know but not everyone knows what love is. In chapter 4, verse 8 of 1 John; it brings the revelation that “God is love” and we marveled at the thought of this, knowing that “God is love.” But the apostle Paul in the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians and from verse 4 brings to us the knowledge, the highest revelation as to what love is.

The definition starts like this: He is love”.

He assures us that what we will read, is the true definition as to the true love, and because of this, take us to understand the way of act in God and Christ for the benefit of others, because no one, more than they have suffered for the man to recover the image of God.

He says, Love is suffers”.

This is the patient overcome evil. This means that despite all odds, all the contempt’s, and all the bad attitudes that may have for those who love him do good, the patient overcome of evil, enables us to never quit and always seek the benefit of the other. We know that the example is in God, in Christ and all those who followed his example, which through the Bible and history, are registered to teach us; this capability the love only have and is the most powerful weapon in the universe, as Christ overcame all for love to us and we must arm ourselves with the same thought. So, one of the virtues of love is to be suffered.

Paul continues: “It’s benign”.

That is, we have good attitudes towards others; lead us to feel pleasure to make.

Continues, “It does not envy”.

This act because of the zeal and leads us to have attitudes that always result in harm to others, but Paul says: “Love does not envy“, that is to say that those who learned to love know no envy. “It is not boastful” Boasting a bad thing that leads man to exhibit its virtues or qualities, always belittling others, but love does not know this. Paul says: It is not boastful“, “not puffed up” continues.

How many men are conceited and proud, this leads them to always act with contempt for others. Paul says that love does not know this, therefore it is not proud. Then look: patient and kind, without envy, not boastful, without boast, these virtues, which are the true love of God and are in us in its development: What experience would take us?

Many Christians departed from this earth without ever even have known they could reach it. But writing opens before our eyes today and revelation through the Holy Spirit, brings us to the knowledge that God’s love is in us and we can experience it.

Wonderful God through Jesus Christ, we have been enlightened by his spirit, the ability to understand that in life we have received has given us to enjoy this love to others.

Paul says: It is not rude”.

So, God does nothing that is out of place and does not have a good purpose for others. If we look at Christ, we take it as an example of all these things. But as we have no doubt it is in all its perfection, is that we have been looking to get us reach this spiritual stature. We need to do so that our lives be like him, as Romans 8:29 says.

“For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren”

That would be tremendous for us to be assured that our attitude toward God and others, in everything we do, is correct. The experience of this love leads us to have this assurance, since love is not rude. Do not seek its own

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:24 Let no one seek his own good, but the other

Without the knowledge of the love of God, we could never do this, but here we see that love never seek its own, is why always drive us to seek the good of others.

No irritates” I mean, that does nothing to provoke others something that is out of place or does so exasperated.

No holds a grudge” The virtues of love take us not to keep within us feelings of bitterness against others.

How many people cannot be happy because of this? How many people, and even how many Christians suffer because of rancor (for a bad attitude anyone ever caused them, which led him to suffer) and never get separated from it?

But Paul says: “Love bears no grudge” that is, who learns to love, these things will return to never experience it.

“Do not rejoice in iniquity” This means that love sees injustice as something that acts in opposition to everything he feels towards others, therefore, does not rejoice with her, but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, believes everything, always hopes, always perseveres”

This means that there is no only one thing, that in adversity to lift or blow manifest against love, that can make it lose its true essence. There is no situation that can come from the outside world against one who has this love and make him waver in their efforts to continue acting for the benefit even those who reject it, despise it, and do not accept what is offered.

Now, here’s the most important thing, what we have to fill with joy, what we have to elevate the spirit, and lead us to worship God and our Lord Jesus Christ, and is the light of this word, which ensures that, “Love never stops being”

That is, anything that can happen against us, of any kind, causing sorrow or pain, tears and suffering, nothing, absolutely nothing achieved that love stop being.

So, God, so Christ and so we have to be all that we have believed in. This is the life we ​​have received, the same life that is in God and that Christ manifested on earth, which, now as a member of his body, and we ought to manifest.

We look to the church and thought: Why something so valuable and precious leading man who believed in Christ to be like him in all his virtues, they have left out? Do not even talk about it.

Even believers flock to see how many false teachers to obtain a release, and do not know the elevation to which God has led them, because they have died and born again.

The release, who do will make it? At who died or who were born again?

God says: The old man died. What liberation will make you to a dead man? The new man, which we are, is born in God, and it is this love of which we speak. Who will make liberation to him?

So, we can see that because of the ignorance of those who are the believers today is, who have been unable get hold of this so valuable, so glorious and so exalted that God has given us. Hopefully this literature awakens many who are asleep, and bring them to investigate, in this blessed and holy Word, all these things we’ve been talking.

Love is the essence of all good. Christ’s love has conquered all. We must rejoice before him, for being participants (as members of his body), all these things, if they become a reality in us to take us to obtain the crown of righteousness and thus be the wife of the Lamb, and then reign with him in the millennium.

Beloved, do you know why God is fair? If someone would ask, what would you say?

Just have been talking about what love is, that’s why many cannot understand why God acts the way it does, and it is because they do not think that is the essence of the life of God.

God is just, because he is love, and love cannot commit any injustice or rejoice with her like we have seen.

Therefore, if the essence of God is love, it leads always act with justice, that is why God is just and his justice leads to punish everything that is opposed to the good, glorious and wonderful that He has prepared for the men.

My plea to the Lord is that this word is a blessing to everyone who reads it, as has been and is for me.


Pastor: Juan Avellaneda

“But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection” Colossians 3:14