The Doubt

En el pulpito

Welcome to all my beloved brothers and sisters.

"The Doubt"

THE DOUBT – By Pastor Pablo Florian


My dear brethren, it is our desire to share with you this short treatise, in order that we may be enlightened in the knowledge of what is in man. Our Lord Jesus knew what was in man, the Gospel of John 2:25, says he had no need that anyone should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.

In this opportunity we will talk about the doubt, which is in man or rather in the human heart, this needs to be identified and destroyed, as this will is like having your heart in thorns and thistles which choke the word and make it ineffective, which can fight the doubt is knowledge, teaching, which avoids the error.

The Bible says in Romans 16:20, “And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet …” How can this be? You tell me that by the victory of Christ on the cross, yes, that’s, but not only for this but for the spiritual growth that the Lord going to give your saints. Satan will be put under your feet HALLELUJAH!

When we are in the stage of spiritual children, we fear, doubt, unbelief and Satan take this stage of childhood, to keep us out of the way, but we are to combat against this, “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in grace… ‘(Luke 2:52). We pray the Lord that with this brief essay, we can add knowledge and stature to your spiritual life.


The doubt is a mystery. It’s something that works in our interior, and makes us act accordingly. How do we act? In a way that we cannot fathom, since the act came from a thought that is not being convinced, no insurance. Somehow ignorance or unawareness of something creates in me the doubt, the doubt itself brings with it other more serious things for a believer, as is the distrust or desperation. If we sought a definition of the word doubt, we can say: from the biblical point of view, which is what interests us, is something like to be without path”

For example: I have to make a trip to the heavenly city and in my journey for this land, I get to a place where I meet a difficulty, which puts me in a position which I don’t know what to do. I cannot find a way out, I do not find a solution to my problem; I am in trouble, consequently I do not know what to do, so I despair, and this leads me to be perplexed. No output + in trouble + what I do? + Desperate = Perplexed, we will give better illustration, an example of a biblical passage, John 10: 24 to 28. “Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him, “How long do you keep us in doubt?

Another version says, “How long we will have to doubt? And another translation of the original Greek text says: “How long you will take our soul with you?” If you are the Christ, tell us openly.

They had doubts about the Lord, for it were perplexed. A feeling that everyone experiences ever. A horrendous feeling, it was easier for them to as it is for many today, they awarded and blame the Lord, but he did not come to bring doubt but faith. What a horrible feeling!

James says in his letter: “Not even think you that doubts are going to receive something from God.”

One time happened to me something that happens to all, of a sudden I received news that hit me like a bucket of cold water, I felt the soul was falling at the feet, and re-entered again, the expression on my face change, turned pale, this is what it means puzzled, ever happened to you? Have not been persecuted and harassed by doubt? Many doubts today and receive nothing from God, how to receive anything from the Lord if I’m in doubt. Will I get an answer? Will I have a solution to what I think is not solution? 

The law shows transgression and punishment, giving me no output, but the grace of God also shows transgression and punishment, because it says: “Not even think you that doubts are going to receive something from God”, but always show me a way out. In this we note today who is under the law, they always show the sin, but not give any output, not so for those who have known the grace of God.

1.What produces doubt?

Romans 4:20 says: “He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief” The text is clear, doubt is caused by unbelief, then leave the doubt for a moment and go to see the meaning of the opposite of unbelief, it is to believe, since it is the only way to destroy unbelief, accordingly and most certainly the faith will not be a reality in my life. Let’s see how faith is produced in the next topic.

2.What produces faith in me?

Romans 10:14 says: “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”

We see here a complete grammatical form. First, we can say with certainty that those who were not sent cannot produce belief, in the listener, and this is very serious, because it may not achieve the faith spoken of this passage, since we find in the Bible with various types of faith, faith unto salvation, faith as a gift of the Holy Spirit and the simple faith, the faith of Abraham, this last is the faith that leads us to be free from doubt. It is crystal clear, that to believe is produce in me, by the word of God.

Now, if to believe is produces by the Word, “how is that not everyone believes?” (Ro.10: 18). Is God unjust? No way, what does it mean to believe? The original Greek word in the Bible text is: pisteu, his translation is: allowed to be persuaded, so I let myself be convince by what he says in his Word, as Abraham did when he let himself be persuaded (believed) when God said something amazing. Returning to the passage in John 10, we see that the Jews were troubled with doubts, for the word of Jesus found no place in their hearts.

He answering said: “I told you and not believe” (do not let you be convinced by my word); somehow the Lord said: I am very sorry, the disturbed are you, not I, the problem is yours, not mine, the word found a place in my heart, I’m not disturbed.

Hebrews 3:12 says: “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; …”

The word called bad and without accordance the one who heard the voice of God, is not persuaded by it. Today in the church it is called bad at many other things. Is strained at a gnat and is swallowed the camel.

Allow: means let do; they do not let the Lord do His strange work in them, and twelve warts and all they had, if they let; here is where the part that touches us (freewill), God can not violate our right to decide, this is personal.

Jesus concludes in successive verses, “My sheep hear (are persuaded) my voice and follow me.”  They know perfectly that for all situation there is an exit by God, however difficult it may seem.

There is exit + what to do + with hope = Confident (Faith)

My plea is to the Lord that the Holy Spirit will enlighten you so that you can understand this glorious truth.


Pastor Pablo Florian