The Baptism

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Welcome to all my beloved brothers and sisters.

"The Baptism"

The Baptism By Rudolf Brockhaus (1856-1932)



Chapter 1:

The essential character of baptism.

The word “baptize”.

Christian baptism according to Matthew.

Symbol of washing away of sing.

Dead to sin, we have new life in Christ.

New position in Christ.

Risen with Christ.

Good conscience before God by baptism.


Chapter 2:

The practice of baptism.

Being baptized by faith alone.

Baptism: A Divine commandment.

Four important aspects.

How should perform baptism?

Who has the right to baptized?

What people should be baptized?

When to baptize?



The essential nature of baptism.

We will not give, in these lines, different thoughts and viewpoints on this issue, but what the Spirit of God want to tell us about the essence of the meaning of baptism. We believe it appropriate to make some observations prior to exposure of baptism itself.

The word “baptize”

The Greek word that expresses the concept of “baptize” (baptizein of baptein) means “to dip” or “sink”. “Baptizein” has never had the sense to pour or sprinkle. In the New Testament is sometimes used to mean “wash”. Surely, John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, he did not administered baptism by sprinkling (irrigation), but by immersion (dipping a person in water). “As he approached many people, baptized in the Jordan or in a town called Ezone, because there was much water” (John 3:23).

What sense would have had as a symbol, the “baptism of repentance of sins” (see Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:4, Luke 3:3) if he had not immersed who were baptized, that is, -figuratively- completely washed, cleaned? Besides of purify the baptized, baptism put them in relationship with God, in whose name was celebrated this ceremony. Christian baptism is an outward sign of union with Christ. But, for precious and important it is, as we shall see, will always be a symbol that, therefore, cannot itself be life-giving power, cause a change of understanding, the new birth or something similar.

Christian baptism according to Matthew

Of course, only after the death of Our Lord established the Christian baptism in memory of His death and resurrection. Thus, we speak of baptism for the first time when the Lord finds you one last time with His disciples on the Mount of Galilee, where they had cited (Matthew 26:32, 28:16-20). From there, he sent eleven to the world, with the mission “of making all nations His disciple” (so says the original text) telling about the one who had appeared to His earthly people and had been rejected by his own. To him God gave all power in heaven and on earth, so that all nations could be brought to salvation and God’s life.

Magnificent words are from Matthew 28:19 and 20! While not reveal in its fullness, the “new” of the grace, the eternal counsels of God concerning the Son of man resurrected and glorified, meeting a host chosen from among all the people of the earth, the baptism in its full spiritual meaning, they show how immense was the change occurred. The old, the legal system had passed, began the dawn of a new day.

Baptism here corresponds more to the Jewish circumcision; but, with the difference that the name of God is revealed fully as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The envoys of the Lord had thus put under the law to the gentiles, made disciples and baptized in his name, but to teach them to obey everything that Jesus, the Son of God had commanded them to themselves.

Symbol of washing away of sins

In most of the book of the Acts of the Apostles, the baptism is related to the person of the Lord.  When first mentioned baptism in charter 2, verse 38, Peter says to the Jews: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins”. In chapter 8:16 we read that the Samaritan believers were baptized in the name of Jesus. At home of the centurion Cornelius, in Caesarea, Peter commanded to baptize “in the name of Lord Jesus” to all whom by Faith received the Word (ch.10:48). They were baptized in the name of the Lord the disciples that the apostle Paul found in Ephesus (ch.19:5). Ananias called Saul to be baptized and wash away his sins, calling of the name of Lord Jesus, who had appeared on the road to Damascus (Ch. 22:16).

Passages mentioned so here indicate baptism is one symbol pardon or ablution (purification) of sins. Peter said that reference to that, (Ch. 2:38), asked sincerely, “Males brothers, what shall we do?” For them, as Jews, everything about the relationship they had with God until that moment was lost. There was nothing that the trial for this perverse generations. Therefore, could only escape from the trial, with pain and regret. The baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, whom they had rejected but whom God had raised up to sit at his right hand as Lord, was the outward sign of this conversion.  This pointed out that the baptized sincerely want to be saved from this perverse generation of Israel and, thus placed in relationship with Christ, wanted to put in the new ground the grace that God had created with the Church. There must be holiness in her. Nobody who has not received the forgiveness of their sins through faith in the finished work of Christ has the right to be part of it. He who is saved must publicly confess the cleanliness of their sins through baptism. It is also notable here pledging the gift of the Holy Spirit in confirmation of the forgiveness of sins acquired by faith and confession in baptism.

When later, at the home of Cornelius, the early pagans accepted with faith the word of the cross, “the Holy ghost fell on all who heard the speech”. Only later, Peter decided that they be baptized. Who could have refused baptism to those who had received the Holy Spirit?

Dead to sin, we have new life in Christ

If we also studied other teachings on baptism in the letters of the apostle, we find the important passage in Romans 6:3 and 4. In answer to the question of whether we who died to sin, we have to remain there for the grace of God to grow, Paul answered emphatically, “certainly not!” (v.2). Then reminded to the believers of Rome the statement that, no doubt, had received over the baptism: “Or do you not know that as many of us were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore, we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life”. (v. 3 & 4). It could be stated more clearly and precisely that Christian baptism is based on the death of Jesus Christ, that is to say, in a Redeemer crucified and dead.

In verse 6 Paul says, identifying with the believers in Rome: “knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him” (with Jesus Christ), that is, that God sees us, in our previous state, as dead with Christ “for the body of sin might be destroyed”. But, what do you do with a dead man? He was buried. It is precisely what is done in baptism. The immersion is baptized, his disappearance in the water, is an impressive testimony, eloquent symbol of his death and burial with Christ. The ascent from the water is the symbol of his resurrection with him.

We are called and we are able to walk in newness of life (v.4). And this is not imposed on us as a commandment, we are not under a “Do this and you will live” (Luke 10:28). No, because Christ has been resurrected by the Father’s glory, the apostle shows that we, who were buried with Him through baptism, not stay in the tomb, we walk on as new men resurrected. If one is true, everything else is too. This fact, great and wonderful, is expressed in baptism, its meaning, figuratively, has not changed over the centuries. But until what point each of the believers realize the meaning and efficacy of baptism in practical life? Who does not take sin seriously but gives rise to the old nature, who forgets that he has died for all sin and in no way should live in it, to this person should be talking about the meaning of baptism?

Told baptized sees everything that belongs to the “old man” with its sinful desires, left in the tomb of Christ. As figuratively buried by baptism, it was before is given to the trial of God; have to learn day by day everything that involves walking in newness of life. In fact, knowledge is blessed in the Lord’s service, who is now owned and learner. The believer has become property of Him who “He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He live to God” (Romans 6:10). In baptism has clothed of Christ. Since them, should manifest only to Christ, in word, deed and in his whole being.

New position in Christ

This leads us to consider another passage that speaks of baptism: Galatians 3:26-28. In these verses the apostle establishes that the Galatians believers were all “children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” with the words: “For all who have been baptized into Christ has clothed your selves …” But how could the apostle call “son of God”? Had they been made ​​sons by baptism? No! They were sons by faith in Jesus Christ. Baptized in Christ, had put on Christ. They said that, with this new garment, are now in a completely new position before God. They were no longer, as before, Jews and Greeks, slaves or free, and were not as men and women before God. “In Christ” there are no more such national and social differences, no matter what a man is “far” or “near” (Ephesians 2:17), having a high or low position, that is white, black or mestizo, that is male or female. So, all in baptism have been identified with the crucified and risen Lord, have put on Christ, and are then with him, the resurrected, at the site of the new creation in which these differences do not exist. They are “men in Christ.” In its new relationship with God, founded on Christ and established in Him, everyone is equal, are one in Christ, all belong to the true seed of Abraham and thus are “heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17).

Risen Christ

We direct our attention then the third passage in the letters that Paul refers to baptism. We found in the epistle to the Colossians, chapter 2. The state of the Colossians had, in a sense of similarity to the Galatians. There were also among them “evil workers” had done their job and were in danger of being deceived by “philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of conforming world, and not after Christ” (v. 8). Keep in mind that the apostle, addressing these serious dangers, reminds believers what had once confessed in baptism. Let us hear your words! After having recalled that they were “complete in Christ”, the head of all principality and power, you really do not need such things (verse 8), continued: “In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made ​​without hands, in putting off the body you flesh by the circumcision of Christ; Buried with him in baptism, in which you were raised with him through faith in the power of God who raised him from the dead “(Colossians 2:10 – 12). The spiritual meaning of circumcision made ​​in the Old Testament was the death sentence on the man in Adam. Man, as found before God since birth, did not deserve anything.

Well, that judgment had befallen the Colossian believers by the death of Christ “circumcision of Christ” as the apostle calls it here. By entering through faith in the relationship, were circumcised with a “circumcision made ​​without hands” and thus had taken “the body of sin”, the lost condition in which they were by birth. The death on the cross, that our Holy substitute had to suffer with all its grim reality, is the believer’s death, is the conclusion of their status as a man in the flesh (in Adam). Jesus only lived up the great work, but he could do it, but by faith we are beneficiaries of it.

It is our part in all its perfection and efficiency, so that we now have in Christ our part and we will have it soon in heaven with him. We have been “buried with him in baptism” we saw in the Letter to the Romans, but the apostle continues: “In whom also ye are risen with him” and, lest anyone think that the act of baptism has some force in itself, continues: “through faith in the power of God who raised him from the dead” (Colossians 2: 12). Needless to say, that in all these passages, it’s only about a resurrection in the spiritual sense. Formerly, spiritually dead in our sins, and the uncircumcised state of our flesh, we, “he quickened together with him,” forgiving all sins (v, 13).

As stated in the death and resurrection of our Lord is God effective force! How unique, great and wonderful is this power of God! Contemplating here because actually with baptism, again shows the importance and far-reaching that has in the judgment of the spirit of God. The memory and understanding of its importance must be of spiritual benefit. But we repeat: beware of giving more value to baptism what has truly! Recall that just a symbol.

Good conscience toward God through baptism

This warning leads itself to last passage in which the spirit of God speaks of baptism (1 Peter 3:21 and 22). In the preceding verses the apostle instructs believers of Jewish origin, the fact that the Lord came to preach repentance to the men who lived at the time, in the same spirit with which it was quickened after completing the work (3:18). Therefore, God spoke through the prophets as Noah (because the spirit of Christ was in the prophets of the Old Testament, and spoke for them (1 Peter 1:11) (2 Peter 1:21). But at that time the men scorned the patience of God, as Israel did in the days of the Apostle. Nobody heard the serious warnings of God’s servant, and only eight souls were saved in the ark. The great flood wiped out the men of those days. Humanity was ready for trial and only Noah found grace in the eyes of God (Gen.6: 8). He followed the divine command and built the ark. After being sure of his family in the ark, was saved and taken to the land cleared by the judgment, as it were, to a whole new world. In the same matter believers are united to Christ in the likeness of his death.

It’s like they’re hiding in the ark and brought to trial unless they soon fall in this world. Indeed, the trial that his replacement, Christ, in the death of the cross, has become the means of salvation. We now understand better the words of the Apostle: “Baptism doth (the ark) now save us.” To prevent mistakes, like thinking that the external ceremony has saving power, Peter immediately adds “(not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of God) by the resurrection of Christ” (1 Peter 3:21). Believers have a good conscience, through the resurrection of his replacement. Christ was delivered for our offenses and raised for our justification. Left behind all our sins in death, and is now at the right hand of God (v.22). So, the apostle may consider rightfully baptism as “demand” of this good conscience before God perfected. Passing through baptism (spiritually, by death), raise our view, with grateful hearts and happy, to the one who forgave all our sins in death. And now we see the Lord on the throne at the right hand of the Majesty, head of all.


We have seen on related baptism or the washing forgiveness of our sins, our death to sin, death and resurrection of the believer with Christ and our entry into a completely new position as a child of God in Christ. In this position there is no more external differences, we are all one in Christ, and Christ is all and in all. From our circumcision in putting off the body of flesh, we turn to the circumcision of Christ (Colossians 2:11, 12) and, finally, to complete our salvation through the resurrection of Christ. Worth prayerfully meditate the meaning of baptism, with all these relationships, and reap the fruit of so many precious lessons that are given to us by the Holy Spirit.


The practice of baptism

-Being baptized by faith alone-

Matthew 28:19 says: “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” First call your attention to the suffix “the”. That mandate, does not refer to nations, but to disciples. That can be seen clearly and distinctly in the original text, which says: “Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them …” The order is: preaching, faith, baptism. So, what did the Lord Jesus! So also, we read: “He that believe and be baptized shall be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16). Without this faith in Christ, every man, even baptized, incurs eternal damnation. However, those who believe and are baptized, everyone is sure of their salvation. So first came preaching the gospel. Was based on the word of God (Romans 10:17). Then faith was the result of such an announcement. Therefore, it should baptize who believed.

The Lord himself and the apostles and ordered executed this order, aware of their responsibility. In the Acts of the Apostles, it was documented step by step.

Baptism: A divine command

This baptism is celebrated, expressly in order of Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He gave this order after his resurrection from the dead, when he was about to ascend to heaven, to be glorified there. The disciples executed this after the Holy Spirit came upon them. But what is the meaning of the words, “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit?” These are the names of the Trinity, as the New Testament reveals.

Confess belief in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. At the same time, we have the precious privilege of fellowship with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. When immersed in water to which baptizes, he who administers baptism says, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”, as established by divine command.

Four important aspects

In baptism reveals all teaching of salvation represented symbolically:

  1. The washing away of sins. Thinking of our baptism we remember God’s promise that all our sins have been washed by the blood of Christ.
  2. The death of Christ. Baptism (symbolizing death that is submerged by water) reminds us that Christ “died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried” (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4).

By our union with Jesus Christ, we are saved from the power of sin and death.

  1. The disappearance of the old man with Christ in the tomb. Baptism represents well the end of the old man, because we were “buried with him by baptism into death.”
  2. The resurrection of the new man in Christ. Baptism also is the resurrection of a new and eternal life with him. So, remember that salvation is not a reform of the old man but receiving a new life in Christ. So, again and again, the word of God wants to take our eyes to the great facts of salvation is fulfilled by invoking the name of Jesus Christ as the only savior and redeemer, renouncing sin and the world, relying on the perfect work of the Son God in his death and resurrection. Thus, the meaning of baptism gives us reason to joyfully announce its grand name “Thank God for his unspeakable gift!”(2 Corinthians 9:15).

How to run the Baptism?

By meditating on the meaning of baptism have seen first that is the symbol of the washing away of our sins. It is also the symbolic representation of the death and resurrection with Christ, to be the water of baptism the grave of the old man. So, baptism speaks for some cleaning and other burial and resurrection. So, baptism is to be immersed in the water, so that the baptized is covered with water. Not for the true meaning of baptism once that is done in the form of sprinkling or pouring.

Who has the right to baptize?

Just as the New Testament teaches us clearly how baptism should be performed, also shows us who we can baptize. We see in the Acts of the Apostles, that all men who preach the gospel were called to baptize in his preaching came to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. The Scripture does not set a special appointment to qualify for baptism. Therefore, all the preachers of the gospel, and in the broadest sense, every believer is called to baptize. Who does it, is responsible for its implementation?

What people should be baptized?

The Holy Scripture gives an answer to this question clearly and accurately. “He, who believes in Jesus, be baptized”. Thus, we read in (Mark 16:16), (Acts 2:41, 8:12, 9:18, 18:8).

When to baptize?

Biblical accounts show that it took in baptizing believers, but were immediately baptized, after which they received the teaching of the Word. No spent days, weeks, or months between the act of faith and baptism. The same should be today. The condition for baptism is always the same: All who were baptized were believers. Distinctive, visible sign of conversion to Christ until today are necessary. However, before them, men may be confused.

In the accounts referred to Cornelius, Lydia, the seller of purple, and the Philippian jailer, also speaks of “a baptism of the family.” In these cases, it is assumed that all members of the family had become and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, how could have said the jailer and his family in Acts 16:34 “and he rejoiced, having believed in God”. This shows that all family members had accepted salvation.

*) Special Note: This evidence of salvation is therefore indispensable. In several cases, missing these tests, it is prudent to wait for it to manifest. Let us pay attention to not fail us.


From the above considerations about what Scripture teaches about baptism, is the following: Christian baptism (in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, instituted by Jesus Christ after his resurrection from the dead) is a symbol of purification from sin, the cleansing of sins, the death of the old man and his burial with Christ. In this baptism baptized God promises that their sins are washed away, while the baptized, in turn invokes and confesses the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as their redeemer. A baptized and publicly confesses he has died and risen with Christ. How often we think that we remember our baptism washes our sins by the precious blood of Christ, we have died and raised with Christ, we are new men, whose privilege it is to live in faithful communion with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Delivered from the power of sin and separation from the world, walk by the grace of God in the power of new life!