Advice from a Cell

En el pulpito

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"Advice from a Cell"

Advice from a Cell by John Bunyan

(Author of: The Pilgrim’s Progress)

In 1658 John Bunyan was arrested for preaching the word of God without the corresponding license at that time. He continued to do so, however, and was therefore imprisoned in the county jail, Silver Street, Bedford, in November 1660. He was confined for three months, but refusing to stop preaching, his confinement was extended for a period of about twelve years, but this did not limit him and he became a prolific author from his cell. He was not a scholar, except of the Bible, for he knew the Scriptures very well. His books are mostly extended sermons.

Here are some of his advice in one of his sermons on prayer:

“I will conclude my talk on prayer with the following advice for the people of God:

  1. Believe that, as sure as you are in the ways of God, you will meet temptations.
  2. Therefore, expect them from the first day of your entrance into the congregation of Christ.
  3. When they arrive, ask God to guide you and help you pass them.
  4. Carefully watch your own heart; that, do not deceive you against the evidences of heaven, nor in your walk with God in this world.
  5. Do not trust the flattery of false brothers.
  6. Do not turn away from the life and power of the Truth.
  7. Look mostly at things unseen.
  8. Be wary of small sins.
  9. May the promise not grow cold in your heart.
  10. Renew your attitude of faith in the blood of Christ.
  11. Meditate on the work of your regeneration.
  12. Do not give up running with those who are ahead in the race.

“Grace be with you…” (John Bunyan, 1660)